5 steps to make 2020 a powerful and positive year
Why I’ll be choosing nurture over New Year Resolutions this year
It’s about time we stopped with all this New Year’s Resolution setting. Yes that’s right… we’re heading into a new year and a new decade and I’m telling you to back away from tradition. I talked in a previous post about how I always feel like New Year’s Resolutions are just setting ourselves up to fail.
I feel like they encourage us to set vague, non-specific goals with the intention of working towards them for an entire year. Which let’s face it, is a long time! Usually by about March, we have forgotten all about them or have the guilt feelings set in that we haven’t really utilised that new gym membership to the max or stopped the midweek drinking we promised ourselves. And then what happens, guilt leads to negativity, becoming down on ourselves and feeling defeated. Er hello… I want my year to be full of positivity and potential not the fear of failure!!
So instead of setting New Year Resolutions, I like to choose a word for the year to anchor myself, set good intentions and to guide my way through the ups and downs that are bound to be in the year to come. Sounds more positive and powerful, doesn’t it?
I’m not saying we’re not going to set ourselves something to aim for, but let’s do it in a more solid goal setting fashion, with a key word or phrase to help keep us grounded and on the right path to meeting those goals.
Want to know more?
5 steps to make 2020 a powerful and positive year
The best part? You can start this right now. Click here to download my Choose Your Word for the year workbook which will help you focus on how to identify your goals and to reach them in a more mindful and holistic way.
Within the workbook I lay out five easy to follow steps to help you choose your word for the year and assign some goals to it. I am all about raising target energy to give you focus and energy for the year to come.
My word for 2020
Last year my word was CREATE and I truly believe that I lived by that for 2019. I allowed the word to anchor and ground me. I thought about this word as new opportunities came my way; did they sit with my desire to create? Did they allow me to grow and thrive?
My word for 2020 is NURTURE:
I will be nurturing a new baby... I'm due 31st January!
I will be nurturing myself as a new mother - which is a whole new side of life that I want to take my time with, feel blessed with and be prepared for this new challenge (as much as you can be!)
I will be nurturing my own business as a business and success coach and building it up to be a calm, heart-centred business after 13 years in a high pressure corporate career
I wonder what your word will be?
I will take you through five key steps to choose your word:
1) Creating the right environment - this is key to doing any inner work
2) Trusting your gut (the initial word choosing process)
3) Positive feelings and positive thoughts - we look in more detail at how the initial words you have chose make you FEEL
4) Set goals for the year - to help bring focus to what you want to achieve and see how this fits with the words you are thinking about
5) Match your words to your goals - we draw up a shortlist, then give yourself time to see what word resonates with you
This is such an exciting process and one that I really encourage you to take time to enjoy. The exciting news is that the new 2020 Choose Your Word Workbook has arrived - YAY! - simply click the button below to sign up for it for free.
I am so excited to be sharing this concept again - forget New Year Resolutions - choosing your word for the year is where it's at and I hope you’ll be a part of it!
“Create with intention”
“Choosing a word, or in my case a phrase, inspired me and gave me a clearer focus for moving into the new year.
Rachel’s guide made the process easy and fun! I can’t wait to get my hands on the updated guide for 2020!!!
- Audrey Wolf