Why you need to stop checking your phone in bed


Do you use your phone as your alarm clock?

I'm guilty of it. Me and my husband do it. This is what we do. But my phone is always on airplane mode and it's usually at the other end of the bed charging and it's fine. So I asked this question yesterday in my group coaching session, and everyone said YES!

Why you need to stop checking your phone in bed

So then in the group I asked "How many of you, BEFORE you even get out of bed, check your phone?"


Again - the majority said yes to this…. And one of the guys was like, "Yeah, but I don't check my personal phone. I check my work emails so that I know what's happened overnight. And so that I'm clued up and I'm ready to go for the day."  - Argh, I internally weep a little at this fact….

Have you ever thought about how it might affect your mood in the morning?  How it will set you up for the day having scrolled though all your emails and messages before your brain has even woken up for the day?

My Tuesday Tip for you is to put a new routine into practice 

Tuesday Tip.png

>> Don’t check your phone before you get out of bed <<

Ideally you want to wait until you've got dressed, you've had your breakfast, you may be making a cup of tea and then its time.  Or you've literally done everything in your morning routine, you get into your car and then before you drive off, you then check your phone.

Why you need to stop checking your phone in bed

Because otherwise this is happening -  you're opening up your phone and you look at it and already, before you've even put two feet out of bed and stood up for the day, and got your body going, your cortisol levels and your adrenaline are probably raised because you've read something that kind of annoys you, or you've seen that something's gone wrong. Or even if stuff is great and it's all worked out fine, there is that level of apprehension of, what are you going to find when you press that icon and you open it up, what is there? And already you can feel your body getting stressed out.

No one needs this first thing in the morning -  it takes about 30 days to build a new habit, 60 days to really instill it. You need to unpick this bad habit

Let me know how you get on! 

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